jeudi 21 juillet 2016

Healthy Benefits of Hot-Air Popcorn Popper

Healthy Benefits of Hot-Air Popcorn Popper

A lot of people Consider popcorn as a favorite snack, If you settle in front of the TV monitor for hours with a bowl or two of popcorn, and you have a sizable family, you will find yourself buying several packages of popcorn. so to Reduce expenses you should use a popcorn maker, and the best popcorn popper to use when making popcorn is the hot air popper.

For the healthiest and tastiest popcorn, use a hot air popcorn popper. This popcorn maker produces such crunchy and delicious popcorn that it's easy to get addicted to it, It will make the kind of popcorn that reminds you of movie theater. This machine helps the user make healthy popcorn.

Most popcorn lovers eat microwave popcorn using microwave poppers, these machines produce high calorie popcorn due to the high amount of oil used when popping the kernels. All these calorie count added to microwave popcorn are not beneficial for your health. Through the popping process, the chemicals and oils will produce an odor, which will stay in the room for a while, and we get popcorn contains diacetyl which causes bronchiolitis obliterans.

The most advantageous way to cook popcorn is by using a hot air popper. They do not have additional calories and neither do they spring odors when popping. This popper has many advantages over popping corn in the microwave, it works the exact opposite way. It is an enjoyable way to make a healthy, delicious and most natural snack, This machine is the only healthy alternative for anyone who wants to enjoy popcorn that is free of unwanted calories and chemicals.

Hot air popcorn popper eliminates the use of oil or butter when popping kernels. While other popcorn poppers cannot pop the corn unless some oil is added, the popcorn produced by an air popper is healthy and completely natural. You have to add homemade toppings to enhance its flavor. If you would like to add some butter to the popcorn, there is a scoop and a melting at the top of the machine, where you can put butter. The high temperature of the popper will slowly melt the butter and you can add some to your popcorn when they are prepared. Also you can add as much or little salt as you want and other seasonings to flavor your popcorn.

The hot air popper is cheaper than most types of popcorn poppers, it's the most affordable of all popcorn makers in the market. So making a bag of microwave popcorn is more expensive than a bag of air popper popcorn, therefore air popper is more economical. When you afford one, you will be able to make more popcorn than popping the microwave popcorn bag. Also this machine pops all the kernels so no corn goes to waste. But in the other types of popcorn poppers, some of the kernels don't pop at all.

Some people use a skillet to pop kernels and it takes longer, also it adds unwanted calories to your popcorn, because it utilizes alot of oil, you will need to keep shaking the pan all the time to keep the popcorn from sticking to the pan.

An air popper is all you need to enjoy crunchy and fluffy popcorn, It is convenient and economical. This machine is very easy to use, easy to assemble, easy to clean and pops corn quickly. Now you can Make a huge bowl of tasty, oil-free popcorn and the whole friends and family can all sit down to watch movie after movie in the evening.

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