mercredi 20 juillet 2016

How to make healthy popcorn

How to make healthy popcorn

Adults and kids alike love popcorn because they are tasty, easy and fun to make. As we all know popcorn is made from corn or maize, At the point when these kernels are dried, they can be heated to make them pop and a small explosion is the end result, which is the thing that gives popcorn. The kernels also are low in fat and contain no sugar, which implies that overall they have little calorie. There's additionally no sodium in corn kernels, therefore you do not have to be compelled to worry regarding popcorn's salt content. This implies that overall popcorn should be considered a healthy snack, it contains more iron than eggs, spinach or peanuts.

If you buy Ready Made popcorn from the supermarket might taste delicious then the added cheese and salt, and usually has melted butter or high fat content, it makes it a surprisingly unhealthy snack. You can make more tasty and healthy popcorn at home without throwing too much money on supermarkets for some bags of popcorn, you can make theatre popcorn at home with an air popcorn popper. Take in consideration the features below:

Buy a popcorn popper

By far the Healthy Way of Making your own healthy popcorn and to enjoy your popcorn without worrying about fat content is to make it from scratch. using a popcorn maker that can facilitate you with the ease of operation and save your time and and these are relatively cheap to buy. These wonderful machines will make your life so much simpler, by using a hot-air popcorn popper the popcorn doesn't stick or burn because the machine does not use oil, It cooks quickly and utilizes hot air to pop kernels. therefore, you get healthy snack which tastes great, and popcorn that has lower calorie content.

Choose healthy kernel

As for Kernels, the important thing is to choose organic kernel to make low fat and healthy popcorn, the popcorn kernel contains all of the vitamin E, B complex vitamins, Riboflavin and Thiamine. Stay away from Non-organic kernel is extremely unhealthy. It contains harmful chemicals and low quality preservatives which might cause serious stomach infection.

Add homemade toppings

As for toppings for example butter, you may want to leave it off if you are counting calories, there are many different toppings to use and won't add too much sugar or fat. You should go for home made toppings. like adding caramel. You should also try using a small amount of honey or sprinkling parmesan cheese over the popped corn. These are natural alternatives that can let you eat a healthy popcorn.

With the help of a popcorn maker you can mix different flavors and let you enjoy the taste of movie theatre popcorn at home, with an air popcorn popper you can still make fresh popcorn and control your weight and provide nutrition to your family instead of fatty junk foods.

The best way to make healthy popcorn and low-cal snack is to use an air popper. Adding homemade toppings, to get your kids and yourself to eat healthy.

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